Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Thanks, and Welcome!

Well, I must say that thanks to everyone who responded to my pitiful cries for attention, phase one of the Darn Floor Awareness Project is going smashingly. Phase two of the Darn Floor Awareness Project is in the planning stages already. By next year at this time -- assuming everything goes according to plan -- people will be saying "I've heard of that 'Darn Floor' blog, but who is this Instapundit guy?"

All joking aside, a sincere thank you to everyone who's recently added me to their blogrolls. I appreciate the exposure, even if the resulting performance anxiety gives me writer's block. The attention is also rather humbling, because I don't feel like I have anything particularly unique to add to the blogosphere. (And yet I blog anyway.)

A thank you, also, to new readers who've stopped by. Thanks and welcome. If you're wondering why I've called this blog "Darn Floor," I wrote an explanation here.

I've met (as much as it's possible to "meet" people on the internet) quite a few really great people through their blogs. The blogroll on the right is getting longer each week as I continue to discover new blogs. There is no real organization to that collection of links (aside from the alphabetical order). The blogs there are high-traffic, low-traffic, and everything in between. They trend from the center to the right side of the political spectrum (admittedly, this assessment is based solely on what I've read). Many of them are written by Christians. But the common factor of these blogs is simply that I like to read them. I hope you do, too.

So who the heck am I?

The quick details: I'm a husband of a beautiful wife and father of a beautiful one-year-old daughter; and I'm blessed to have both of them in my life. We live in the best part of the great state of Wisconsin. (Yes, it's a blue state, but hopefully we can change that.) I'm a page composition and design specialist by vocation and a writer by avocation. (Got a book you need typeset? Please contact me. My bank account thanks you in advance.)

This year I will turn 40.

In spite of what one typically expects, I'm actually looking forward to it. I spent most of my life wondering if I would ever have a home, a wife, or a family, and in just the last three years I ended up with all three. It seems to me that things are looking up.

And this . . . this is my blog.

Welcome, have a look around, kick the tires, and enjoy your stay.


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