Monday, March 07, 2005

You're Still Here?

Well, thanks. I'm flattered. A week away, and you're still bothering to check to see if I've got anything new posted.

Apologies again for the silence. Between the presence of in-laws and the persistence of overtime, I've been far too busy to do much of anything blog-related this past week. This week doesn't look any better. I'm trying to get a book in print before the end of the month, and the editing has been painstakingly slow. This is not so much a function of my pains-taking as it is a function of how poorly-written the book is. One cannot transcribe an oral presentation and expect that it will make a readable book. And yet it has been done. Though I sounded a warning when I spied an early draft, my warnings were not heeded. The "book" is awful. And it is my job to take the herky-jerky cadence, and jargon-filled and colloquial delivery of the speaker and clean it up so that he sounds like a professional. All on a topic I really know very little about.

This goes above and beyond the call of duty.

Meanwhile another author is holding up the second printing of her book while she sends daily "corrections" that so far have amounted to over a couple dozen pages of new material. And they keep coming. I just got another "correction" this morning.

And that's more than I ever intended to write about work.

What's going on in the news? In the blogosphere? I haven't a clue. I haven't read the news in days.

And if I'm to be completely honest, I'm sort of enjoying the break.

But I also have a number of half-written posts on a variety of subjects, and I'm hoping to find some time to complete them and get them posted.


At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm.. Blogging about work, I hear that can be dangerous. ;o)

You havn't missed a whole lot to blog about other than the Italian journalist that got wounded when her driver didn't stop for a checkpoint in Iraq.

It sounds like your work is interesting though frustrating at times away from blogging.


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