Sunday, January 23, 2005

Sunday on the Sidebar

It's the weekend, and that means I have time to mess with the template. This weekend's changes include a new blogroll section devoted to Wisconsin blogs. Many of these are bloggers that make up the new (and soon to be enormously popular) Badger Blog Alliance.

Jib actually picked a great time to kick off the Badger Blog Alliance. As fate would have it, the "Voter Fraud in Milwuakee (and beyond)" story neatly coincided with the launch. I haven't been able to follow the developing story (or stories) as closely as my fellow Wisconsin bloggers, but if you're looking for a good starting place, the Badger Blog Alliance is it. I'm glad to be a part of it, and I hope it'll spur me into paying closer attention to Wisconsin State issues. (Being up here in the hinterlands sometimes insulates me from the madness that grips Madison and other points southward.)

But there are other great Wisconsin bloggers on the list as well. Go check 'em out.

Also, I've added a new MP3 of the Week. This week it's "The Fires of Life" by Cool Hand Luke, courtesy of Floodgate Records. Curiously, if you go to the media section of the website, the song listed is "Cinematic," and that's what the file is named as well, but it's really "The Fires of Life," which is the title cut from the CD.

I've just discovered Cool Hand Luke and know next to nothing about the band, so no fun facts or trivia here. Just a song I really like.

Weeping may last for the night,
the longest night of your life.
I will promise you that
rejoicing comes in the morning.


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