Thursday, December 23, 2004

A Field Guide to A/V Geeks

The Generalissimo provides a sort of Field Guide to A/V Geeks, describing the telltale field marks, and then helping to identify a few of them in the blogosphere. I'm hoping he'll include range maps in a future post, highlighting migratory paths and breeding territory.

I became an A/V Geek the moment I was handed my first tape recorder. I immediately became a roving reporter, shoving a microphone in the faces of all my friends and creating mock news broadcasts. Then, seizing control of the family 8mm movie camera, I created little stop-motion animated films featuring puppets, Fisher-Price toys, and Legos. After a brief flirtation with computers in high school, I decided upon broadcasting as a major. I spent exactly two years in the business post-college, and while working with all the high-tech stuff was fun, dealing with the egos of news reporters was often a chore.

Now, aside from editing a bit of audio for my employer now and then (which is also a chore) I "get my geek on" by turning old LPs into new CDs. I suppose blogging brings out the A/V geek a bit, too. If I ever get my own web domain (read: if my wife ever lets me incur the expense), expect this blog to become a cornucopia of sights and sounds.

(There must be some way for me to get pictures up here at least. All the cool kids do it.)


At 5:25 PM, Blogger Matteo said...

Drew, is the answer. No account needed, just upload an image and it gives you a selection of html code to paste into your blog entry. It's what I use for all my graphics!

At 5:32 PM, Blogger Drew said...

Shiny! Thanks. Soon this blog will be nothing but pictures of Lid. (Which is still better than pictures of cats, right?)

At 2:05 AM, Blogger Jib said...

Drew, another option is the Hello! Blogger Bot.


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